Production Log 16
This week we made our production logo in Fireworks, because it is a simple programme to use and is not too complicated to use. We chose Compass Films as our production company name because the films the company could possibly produce would be set all over the world, starting with the BSR genre and then move on to other realist cultures in the world. The compass on our logo is very simplistic and not over complicated connoting our films will be easy to understand. Also this week we had to change our graphics in Livetype because of the changes in characters & scenes we had edited out of the opening sequence. Also this week we did a wide and broad search for music as we can not find a piece of music that we find suitable for our opening.
After both of our media teachers watched our almost completed opening sequence, they both gave us constructive criticism. This included making the 2/5 still scenes in the montage opening sequence have movement, and completely cut out all of the football scenes and scenes after the fight scene. Mr P. advised us to focus more on the fight scene which can connote more violence, and really sell the BSR violent tendencies and themes to the target audience. This was a good shout and we spent the majority of Saturday re-filming lots of scenes in a back alleyway behind houses near the school. The changes we were told to make have potentially saved our coursework grades, and being able to really do a good job in exploring the BSR genre ourselves. We also filmed some parallel scenes, with Usama and Joe, as they are the two boys who's lives are intertwined some way, and we needed to show the audience this.
We decided to cut the scenes after the fight scene because feedback told us it was too messy and there was an unclear meaning of some characters. Also the friendship between the two boys was said to have a homosexual aspect to it, and we cut a scene where Usama waves to Joe, to get rid of the wrong impression we may have gave to the audience.
I feel like this week has so far had a good outcome due to good progression with the film even though there has been drastic changes which would have gone unnoticed by Eoin & I if the teachers had not pointed them out
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