Thursday, 18 December 2014

Call Sheets

Location List

Cast List

Shooting Script

Location Reccies

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Production Schedule

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Production Log 10

This week I made decisions about the content of my BSR through the comments made in the vox pops we carried out which helped shape our storyline majorly. The comments and issues raised in the interviews made it clear that the youth of today are very opinionated, and that us as film makers / writers as directors should listen to them, to make society seem as real as possible and discover issues that have not been addressed and misrepresented in a way which is unfair and there are flaws in the realistic perception of British culture by other nationalities and races of people.

The tumblr tag '#misrepresentation' explores many diverse situations and opinions of angsty teens who feel obliged to blog and put their views out there, on the failure of true representations in the media and general society. Looking at this tag has helped show me the negligence of people in the industry. I am not focusing on women in my production, as mine is a male dominated film, but the portrayal of women in films is for sexual gratification which i feel needs to be challenged by more feminist roles and strong lead charachters in the BSR genre especially.

This personal research made me think about how i will portray women even if they do not have a lot of screen time, and the comments made in passing by characters in my opening sequence. Having a misogynistic, male dominated opening sequence, is not as realistic as it was when women were heavily objectified and times have changed. 

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Qualitative Data Analysis

Researching further into my idea with the help of the people we asked helped me realize that mis-representation is a big issue in films, as stereotypical views of a majority are portrayed through the characters and these misconceptions have been pointed out to us. A couple of people we spoke to said that their ethnicity's and religions are ongoing mis-represented, like Muslims are constantly branded as terrorists, which only a very small population are. We will aim in our production to steer clear of representations and stereotypes of the Muslim boy in the film, and create a true and meaningful representation of Islam, which people can gratify and the audience can relate to. Another misconception is that all teenagers are aggressive and violent to everyone, which again, is not true, and only a small group are. My opening sequence will explore the change of a once racist, who reforms his ways, which breaks the sterotypical teenage representation, and challenges the older members of the audience to reconsider their views of teenagers and teenage aims.

Current affairs and news stories may be an important aspect of my film, as there could be a scene in my opening sequence which shows the Muslim families reactions of all the ISIS and Islamic issues going on in the world, which could help establish an identity for the family, and also give the audience a view on these touched upon issues from people of the same Religion which allows the audience to see a different light to these issues that are currently going on all over the world. There could be a parellel storyline in the film which we can explore family life and every day issues in a Islamic western household, and the household of the typical British boy, in which would help the charachter's representation could be explored, and the oposing views on these news stories, and how the different religions/backgrounds are represented in each household, exploring racism behind closed doors.

Themes that the Target Audience said that were undeveloped in films included: Rape, Domestic Violence, FGM, Bullying, Self Harm & LGBT issues. These issues that were pointed out to me have triggered ideas for charachter's background stories. Like the Muslim boy could be experiencing mental health problems such as depression because of the racism and bullying he inccurs in school and by these white boys that bully him, which then leads to self injuring, and he keeps it a secret from his family and everyone around him. I would have to ensure I explored this theme well enough to include it in my film, and not have any graphic and triggering scenes for people who are recovering from self injuring or currently hurt themselves, as it is a very touchy and serious area to cover in a film, but it is a very real issue I feel I have to address. 

Vox Pop Quantitative Analysis

Question 1: Have you watched any films like ill Manors, Kidulthood, Adulthood and This Is England?

  • The majority of people we asked had watched films and similar films to the ones we listed, which was good as they had the mindset to answer the upcoming questions. Adulthood was a popular film amongst the interviewees, concluding they liked Adulthood the most.
  • One of the people we asked about these films said they were interesting and had a good storyline, which may mean the films included use the Uses & Gratifications which our Target Audience could relate to, and is why they like them so much.
Question 2: What do you think about our idea?
  • The people that we interviewed liked the fact that our idea touched upon the fact that the idea was exploring racism which is a very relevant topic in current society, and that it relates to what is going on in the world and happens in our country especially. They liked the fact the issues are very current and explore things that happen on a daily basis.
  • One person pointed out that our idea focused on only one type of racism, and only two cultures which clash, but my counter argument for that point is, it is easy to focus on all different types of racism, but if you over-complicate the story, it is easy to lose track of the actual idea we are trying to explore.
Question 3: Do you have any ideas for a film like listed before?
  • Our interviewees had many different ideas which were all very good as they were very creative.
  • One idea was about a boy from a wealthy family who gets involved into the wrong crowd, other ideas included touching upon themes like abusive and dangerous relationships and LGBT stimulus amongst a traditional Indian family. Which are all good ideas that would make good BSR films.

Question 4: What issues in films are underdeveloped?
  • Rape and Domestic, Self Harm, LGBT issues and FGM are issues that are all very real in society and what my interviewee''s found under developed. I think that directors and producers are almost scared and worried to create films which explore these themes and issues, because of the representation and getting the events which the film could entail, right. 
  • One interviewee suggested the more British Sink issues should be explored in the modern day, as the 1960's has faded out within the genre and the films have been more focused on violence, which is very 'over-done' within the genre.

Question 5: Is there a way in which you would like to see certain groups of people represented?
  • People and groups that our interviewees wanted a better representation of included: Muslims (in a non violent way), Women and their roles (from a Feminist perspective), disabled people, teenagers (non violent way and how they truly are), the Indian culture (not all of them are intelligent) and the black community.

Meet My Audience

credit to lachlan (loominaty on tumblr) for the selfie.

Vox Pops // Researching Our Target Audience for our BSR Opening Sequence